Its not necessary that
every good clinician is a good scientist and a skilled scientific writer.
Medical writing is an academic activity not enjoyed by a vast majority of the
clinicians. However, in the changed circumstances where published work is a
pre-requisite and is important for selection, appointment and for further promotions in
academics, the clinicians are forced to conduct studies and write under
compulsion with the result that the quality of their manuscripts is not
so good. Even after having conducted a study, many clinicians find it extremely
difficult to write and prepare the manuscript which can be accepted for
publication in the peer reviewed medical journals.
May be you can write but you are too busy because of your professional
commitments. If you have prepared a draft
and want revise, edit, polish; or you have great ideas that need to be
discussed and worked out jointly as co-author, we can offer our expertise.
Our TEAM also works from outlines, notes, statistical reports, and incomplete
drafts to help you develop a publishable manuscript.
Even if you are working in a remote area, we can assure you that you can write
an original article despite limited resources and patients exposure. Just
contact us.